7 Days To Die Base Design

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Welcome back to 7 Days to Die. There is a MAJOR FLAW with this base design, can you SPOT IT before the HORDE!?7 Days to Die Current Alpha 17 Playlist► Coming SoonHorde Every Night Season 1-. Watch more Videos from Kage848►7 Days to Die Alpha 17 Multiplayer: Galactic Survival: Survival: of the Old West: Some other gameplay / lets play playlists you might be interested in:. Creativerse► Empyrion► The Forest► Cast Live (Second Channel)► Server► Days to Die Alpha 17 Gameplay Features:This update has some big framework changes so starting a new game is a must. Please don’t try to salvage your old saved game.

7 Days To Die Alpha 17 Upcoming Features In Development. They will be adding various new blocks and textures, including new wallpaper blocks, blocks with trim edges, pallets, boxes, and bathtubs. These things will help add an additional touch to making POIs in the game. Speaking of which, there will also be new POIs.

And for those of you that experience any problems please use your steam client to delete local files and reinstall the game. Also wiping your player profile data might be helpful.-7 Days to Die Alpha 17 Key Game Features:. Random World Generation - Play Navezgane or roll the dice and dive back into the game with friends in a randomized world with huge cities, towns, rivers, lakes, mountains, valleys, roads and wilderness locations. Upgradable Fort Building - Player built structures are assembled from framework which can be upgraded supporting wood, scrap metal and cobblestone upgrade paths. Hammer away just like real building and use Land Claim blocks to protect your fort in PvP.-There are great websites out there to help with tutorials, guides, resources and general gameplay tips. Check these sites out here:The 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 subreddit► 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 wiki► can download 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 from one of the following official websites.Download 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 from the Steam store here► 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 from the official website here► 7 Days to Die Alpha 17 a good game?

Or should you pass? Check out some reviews here► Days to Die Alpha 17 Trailer can be found here► This Early Access game is not complete and may or may not change further. If you are not excited to play this game in its current state, then you should wait to see if the game progresses further in development.-Unity Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 LicenseCall Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License#Survival #7DTD Post your comment.

I'm looking for a little help. Originally posted by:This sounds great to me. I will hop on later and give a couple examples. How many screenshots would to like for a build?

If possible, 2 from the sides (more if you think more are needed to capture the essence) and one from above (not necessary if you can't access the fly commands).Please also describe any specific (function) details that aren't visible from the screenshots so that I may tell people how to build it. Not sure when I will get the time, but I will try to have it ready for sometime tomorrow. Originally posted by:If possible, 2 from the sides (more if you think more are needed to capture the essence) and one from above (not necessary if you can't access the fly commands).Please also describe any specific (function) details that aren't visible from the screenshots so that I may tell people how to build it. Not sure when I will get the time, but I will try to have it ready for sometime tomorrow.No need to hurry. I'm going to be preoccupied after tomorrow until sometime next week anyways, so the time I will have to work on the guide until then will be minimal anyways. There is no reason to be greedy early on.

You can make do with a 3x2 living space and fit in a forge, a campfire, a sleeping bag and 6 secure storages.As such I like to place frames down in a 3x2 set up and go up 5 levels into what will become my floor in an elevated ground base. This leaves 4 levels for spikes and gore block accumulation which is important.At the 5th level which becomes your elevated floor it is important to extend it out 2 blocks to protect against spider zombies (going 2 block out to account for the woodlog spikes). Any further risk unstable structural integrity, it might stay up for the time being but not later on after we add more base components.From here u outline the 3x2 space on your floor (the 6th level up) with more wood frames leaving room for a door on 1 side and ofc your 3x2 living space and build your shack up top.For the sake of being efficent please note that the outside corner of your shack do not need blocks. Please refer to pictures to see this. This saves your structural integrity and saves on wood.A ramp can be built with a 3 block removeable wood frame bridge at the end to enter and exit the base.Day 7 goals (view last picture for an idea of your minimum goal + regular spikes need to be added) are to have what your shack rest on surrounded with a layer of woodspikes all the way up to a 4 block height, and to have at least 1 more layer at ground level beyond that. All spikes and blocks from the 4th block height and below should be upgraded at least once.

At this point u can survive a 7th day horde by standing on your platform and kitng the zombies around in a circle over your spikes.As the pictures show there are plenty of ways to expand from here, my favorite of which is using columns spaced apart by 2 blocks and connecting the columns together to make space for a 2 wide iron bar extension around the base. (make sure to use ironbars ont eh outside of this clumn bridge thing to protect form spider zombies) A near finished and ahead of schedule version is shown in my screenshots.Oh 1 last thing, regardless on whether or not you have finished with all your woodlog spikes place down a 2 thick layer of of regular woodspikes on the outside of your woodlog spikes. These badboys do work and actually last quite awhile and are very cheap to build.Edit: Ok heres a picure from awhile ago with the same concept, but its built too high. Read what I wrote for a stronger base, but this is what you want as a MINIMUM for day 7 imo.Note the small extentions made as a temporary vantage point until the iron bar platform is built up. If you want it self sustainable and safe from griefers and horde pulling all you need to to do is build a wall 4 high around your perimeter.

Second row is iron bars to shoot through. Put another wall 4 high around that one with iron bars on the second row again. Make sure you have space in between the walls to run around. Seal it off with a roof. Connect the entrance to your base entrance so it's sealed off from the world.

Put spikes around the outside wall. Put spikes around your base behind the wall, and line the inner wall with spikes. Tunnel an entrance (For entering and exiting the compound.) from under your base to the desired location. That will protect you from dying to hordes of any magnitude.

My group calls this a Murder Hole.To protect you from griefers. Dig a trench at least 5 wide, how deep is up to you but deeper is better but takes longer.

Line it with concrete or steel. (To limit digging) Fill it with spikes. Throw down wood frames to walk on when you make repairs and collect loot bags if applicable. Make sure to pick them back up when done.Put your land claims deep under ground and use several, make sure they cover each other.Put your sustainable farm on the roof, And line the OUTSIDE of the roof edge with a row of blocks to prevent climbers.Have your friend unfriend you, and have him strike every block around the perimeter to ensure all of your blocks are land claim protected.Put your vault under your base, reinforce it with concrete or steel, place entrance away from any obvious markers in your base (Windows chests etc) that allow your enemies to guess it's location. Cover the entrance with a matching block when you log out.Create gun safes and fill them with trash and a couple of decent items.

Place them in plain sight inside your base (NOT inside the ACTUAL vault) These will fool most griefers into thinking your poor and they may not look any further in your base and leave.No screen shots, but it works. Survived a whole build without any thieves breaching inside.Note: To do this properly and to completion is labor intensive and expensive however it provides maximum security. Took me about 2 weeks and about 4-6k iron ingots (Alpha 12.5) plus concrete. To be fair I made a MASSIVE concrete cube as my core and even dug out and reinforced the foundation and floor with concrete, and I am very anal about measurements and asthetics. Could be a couple days shorter if you go smaller and are less particular. I usually get a prefab with at least 2 storys.

I prefer the ones with brick or cobble stone walls. Knock out the bottom steps of the stairs and mostly fill the bottom level with walls or compleatly with walls. Remove all access from the bottom level. Smash out doors and replace windows with walls.Then I use 4 block high pillars that are about 3 or 4 blocks from my outer walls.I use wood frames or similar to make a temp bridge across the gap. To get on top of the pillar I use wood frames to tower up or to make a small star case.My 2nd stage is plenty of spikes and as much of a 2 or 3 deep trench as I can get away with before day 7. I usually put that pit about 3 or 4 blocks away from my outer walls.Spamming wooden spikes (not spike logs for the 7th day horde) is fairly key. Lots and lots and lots.


Hundreads and hundreads around the out side walls. I prefer about 4 or 5 deep at a minimum. 3 deep is ok but 4 or 5 is much much safer.Have at least 3 exit points. So 3 pillars that you can escape onto while the zeds are trying to trash your ground floor. Also hundreads of arrows if possible.

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7 Days To Die Base Designs

Like 300 or 500 arrows at least.The final thing I like to do is to put a ladder to the roof if there isn't one so I can walk around and shoot stuff.This seemed to work really well in A12.x and I can't see why it won't work as well in A13. The AI hasn't changed that much. The lack of doors means the zeds won't home in on any perticular side etc.3 high walk ways with a 1block roof (4 blocks high in total) seems to be about the best height as zeds can't reach up and attack the floor unless they are using a projectile.If the ♥♥♥♥ hits the fan too badly then one of the 3 or 4 or more exits works really well. Falling from a 3 or 4 block height won't hurt the player if you use two or three pillars then you can put a trench between your self and your fans as they try and get autographs.

Then it's either a matter of running off to a 2nd base or killing what remains.I've hardly ever had this style of base trashed because I then extend the depth of the trench so that at least 3 or 4 meters of rock cliff is between your base and the zeds.Also note that dogs dig in a 1x1 space. My starting base for SP or coop is very similar to that in picture of post 5 but a bit smaller - so easier to make, requires 60 woodframes and 40 woodlogspikes and ofc a few hundred wood extra. Originally posted by:My starting base for SP or coop is very similar to that in picture of post 5 but a bit smaller - so easier to make, requires 60 woodframes and 40 woodlogspikes and ofc a few hundred wood extra. The way I tend to play is to turn zombies off, use creative mode, build a fortress, and then throw as many zombies (very high spawn) on high difficulties as I can at it to see how long they last.This castle design is roughly a 30x30x10 (6 under ground level, 4 over). There's a fortified 3-wide moat with spikes outside the outer wall, which is 3 thick (the inside is mostly rebar with some land claims if you're on multiplayer.

On this base it's just some extra bricks from my original wall). My actual base is under the dirt layer in the inner courtyard.

The escape hatch leads to a fortified tunnel with vault hatches/doors. Plenty of farm space, a very heavily constructed wall, the overhang barrier so climbers can't get in, and lots of vault doors inside just in case something gets in (which, by the way, has actually never happened so far).Zombies tend to walk up, fall in the moat, and die on the spikes without causing any damage. My personal record for this build was over 4 hours of continuous zombie shooting with zero breaches before I got bored and went off to do something else. I was lazy and made my base from a old prefab. I made it though 21 days not really using any guns. Im sure you've seen this house with a 2nd floor balcony?


Well one my first 7 day i was not ready and was freaking out. In the end I cleared out the juck below the balcony and filled it with wood spick and did the same around the house. When the horde came I just ran back forth on the balcony and the zombies ran back and fourth on the wood spicks.After that I just expanded the balcony around my house, added log spicks, made my front door imposable leave from, added a garden on the roof, oh and i took out the stairs to the side door and made a draw brige from wood frames to get out.:oh and when i can im adding spot lights. Its nice to see whats coming at night.