Clash Of Clans Building Hit Points
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- In Clash of Clans, Maxing Builder hall 4 is one of the major steps. On upgrading any builder hall, you unlock many clash of clans buildings, traps and troops that were not available before. Here is the guide to clash of clans builder base level 4. Overview for Maxing Builder Hall 4. Let’s find out what you will get on upgrading Builder Hall 4 first.
- Start studying Combo with clash of clans troops and buildings. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Ranged attack LOW HIT POINTS watch for slash damage and have excellent attack power. Clash of clans buildings. Clash of clans troops. Clash of Clans.
Town Hall Level 1. The Town Hall is the heart of your village and the most important Building in the Clash of Clans game. When initially constructed, the Town Hall has a crooked orange roof with a small stone chimney. The windows, doorway, walls, and poles are all made out of wood.
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YouTube and external link content must follow our.Events Guides.Partnered Subreddits SubredditDescriptionFor clan recruitingFor the Reddit Clan SystemFor the Reddit Alliance ClansFor discussion of Clash RoyaleFor base layout linksStreams. Weight is simply the number value assigned by Supercell to all Troops, Spells, Heroes, Traps, Walls, and Defenses in Clash of Clans. Upgrading any of these items increases their Weight.The added Weight of every Troop, Spell, Hero, Trap, Wall and Defense in your Base is your Base Weight.During War Search, Supercell adds up the Base Weight of everyone in your Clan who is participating in the War. This total is the War Weight. Supercell matches Clans against others of similar overall War Weight. Not a bad basic guide.
I might have emphasized the Note a little more, pointing out that we really do not know how the game transforms these numbers, and that they just give a general feeling, and possibly a misleading one. It might be worth mentioning the 'gold offered' method and the calculator as well.The next question is: what should my war weight be?

Clash Of Clans Troop Stats
Rephrased: what defenses should I add and how quickly, in order to avoid drawing an attacker into war that I can't handle? People starting 8.5 or 9.5 often consider this. The stock advice, which I agree with completely, is to not add defenses that your own offense is unable to 3 star. So if you can't 3 star bases with xbows yet, even if your heroes are big enough that you should be able to, you should still refrain from adding them. OTOH, if you are a great attacker and are able to regularly 3 star above you in war despite low-ish heroes, you will not hurt your clan by adding all the defense of your level.But then you get to the next phase of this question: what about infernos?
And this is where things get even more complicated. Infernos intentionally have a high war weight value because, prior to March 2016, max TH9s were matching rushed inferno bases all the time, and couldn't hope to 3 star them given the meta at the time (max TH10 vs max TH10 was a 2 star game), and were getting 3 starred back by TH10 gowipe. So infernos (and eagles) had their war weight dramatically increased, to prevent these mismatches. Since then, though, offense has been buffed over and over and over again, and rushed TH10s are now actually able to be 3 starred by max TH10 offense. This contrasts with full TH10s; last I heard the CWL TH10 vs TH10 3 star rate was about 16%. So if your skill level is that high and you think that by the time you hit max TH10 you will be able to 3 star other max TH10s, more power to you. But for the rest of us, when the war matchmaker gives us a 'heroes vs infernos' war, we'll do better if we're on the side with better heroes.
This is where subtle, long-term engineering really pays off, because in order to have a high 9.5 base that draws a rushed TH10 it's not enough to just omit infernos; once you max your other TH10 defenses and your TH10 offense you'll likely draw a mid-TH10, non-rushed, who you might well be able to 3 star, but who can 3 star your inferno-less base right back. To avoid or postpone this scenario you want to start planning ahead well before you get to TH10. You do still want high levels of defenses that are actually effective, but in the current meta there are two, possibly three, defenses that seem to have relatively high war weight but low effectiveness. In order they are mortars, bomb towers and wiz towers. High level wiz towers can be very useful for killing loons, and so I wouldn't argue that you should completely omit those, but mortars and bomb towers have very limited usefulness currently. If you started not building new ones a year ago, then now when you're a 9.5(ish) you reap the benefits of not having them.
Clash Of Clans Giants Level
If I were starting a new account from scratch and my goal was to be a high 9.5ish, I'd build xbows and omit mortars and bomb towers, and then build maybe two wiz towers.Right now high 9.5/9.25 might be the most balanced point in the game. Whether or not you can fresh hit 3 star a max TH10 basically depends on its layout, and you pull into the game someone who likely does not have as much offense as you, and so whether or not they will be able to fresh hit 3 star you depends largely on your layout. The wars that we have the most trouble winning are ones where the other side has a whole bunch of 65k-72k bases with level 10-11 walls and high heroes. I read through the clash kings 2 info and have a question.The 'New Weight Penalty' section on says that if w - t = x is greater than 10k there is a weight penalty. The first exception says, unless w is less than t. Well, in every engineered base, w will be less than t, because that is the entire point of engineering for low war weight.Example: pretend I have a minimax base that weighs like a TH8, but I have fully max TH10 offense. So my w is roughly 50k, and my t is 80k.
50k-80k = -30k, which is greater in magnitude than 10k, so it should trigger the penalty. But, w is less than t, so it doesn't?I think maybe exception 1 intends to say, if w is greater than t?. Can confirm that the AllClash data is much more accurate than Spanser's previous data.My clan leader works alongside the lady who sent this data to AllClash.We've been monitoring several engineered bases we have during the last few weeks, and 2 of our heavily engineered bases (8.5s, 1 with town hall 7 defence upgraded to th9 level) were both getting the 30k weight penalty, meaning they would draw in extra weight - meaning we have an extra 2 th10s to go against.They have both since gone to th10 anyway, dropped and upgraded all 3 xbows to th9 level and both infernos to level 3. They both now weight (penalty taken into account before) less than they did before.Hope this makes sense!. You're saying that a full TH10 with level 3 infernos carries less war weight than a base with no infernos and TH9-level defense?

No, that doesn't make sense at all.I understand why people are hypothesizing the existence of a 'weight penalty' for engineered bases, as it would explain the reduced matchup advantage that engineered/.5 bases seem to have been getting over the last few months. But to my knowledge, no one actually has inside info on the matchmaking algorithm, and so the 'weight penalty' idea is still speculative and unconfirmed, but makes some sense given the recent results a lot of people have reported.But to claim that the weight penalty is 30k across the board, and therefore a TH10 base with infernos weighs less than one with TH9 defense is to enter the realm of truly wild speculation. Not even ClashKings2, which I think is the source of the weight penalty idea, claim that they know what the penalty is or exactly how it factors in. I didn't claim there's a 30k penalty across the board. It can be anywhere from 1k upto 30k.The base I'm talking about was a th9 with the same amount of defences as a th7, but upgrades to th9 level. His weight was less after he dropped and upgraded 3 xbows and 2 infernos to level 3.If you don't want to believe me, then don't. But the spreadsheet talks for itself and makes perfect sense if you open up to it.I was skeptical at first because 'it doesn't make sense', but after seeing the results I mentioned, watching our war opponents change dramatically for the better, and seeing the wars look normal for a change, changed my view of it all.Try the spreadsheet out and tell me it doesn't make sense.
I understand that that's what the spreadsheet shows you. (This is the ClashKings2 weight calculator spreadsheet, right?) But the question is: where did the spreadsheet makers get those calculations, and how do we know they're right?
If the info is directly from game files, then I would be very interested in it. Unfortunately, I don't think it is - I think Spanser would have found part of the matchmaking algorithm if it were in there to be found. So correct me if I'm missing something, but it looks like those calculations are guesses that try to explain the matchups they have observed for engineered bases. Who knows, they might be right on!
But ClashKings2 (if we're talking about the same spreadsheet) specifically says on their 'war weight explained' page that they do not know how exactly SC applies the war weight penalty, if that's what it is, in the matchmaking algorithm.I think it's quite possible they have the right idea with the weight penalty, even if the numbers aren't exactly right. (And if a TH10 with infernos has less weight than a base with TH9-level defenses, then uh. The numbers are not likely to be exactly right!) For what it's worth, my clan has a couple of engineered accounts that do not seem to draw nearly as lopsided a defensive matchup as you were getting.
That might have to do with any number of things these calculations don't account for: number of engineered bases in the lineup, how strong the engineered bases are compared to the rest of the lineup, or who knows what else. So what I'm saying is that, though they might have identified a real change in matchmaking, trying to actually quantify it is an exercise is guesswork, and I wouldn't make changes to your bases or lineups expecting it to be precisely correct - especially in cases where the calculations yield bizarre results.