Fallout New Vegas Freezes
FREEGOGPCGAMES.COM PRESENTS. Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition (c) Obsidian Entertainment / Bethesda Softworks LLC. With the Ultimate Edition, Bethesda Softworks offers you the chance to double-down and get the complete package of New Vegas fun.
Contents.General advice and notes. Save often and in different slots. Do not rely too much on autosave. A frequently overwritten autosave slot can easily become corrupted.(For Xbox 360 users removing the auto-save function, in the settings menu will remove most of the save time/corruption issues As well as reducing travel time).
PC Make sure your computer meets, or exceeds the minimum system requirements. If any component of your computer falls below the minimum system requirements, do not report any bugs you may experience. Xbox 360 Installing the game can help greatly cut down load times and lessen glitches triggered by entering certain locations or interacting with certain non-player characters.
If you are experiencing game freezing and frame rate drops, loading screens that last 60 seconds and longer, or multiple crashes ensuing from the same action or location, installing the game can help with some of these issues. It may also help to clear your console cache (found under 'memory device options') which will then prompt you to re-download any patches issued on XBL when you next launch the game. Excess saves may cause this as well.offers many simple solutions to common problems.Weapon Mods. Fixed: When you attach a mod onto a weathered 10mm pistol, you hold a large red error marker indicating it has a missing mesh.
This will also affect the item when dropped, and will not be able to pick it back up. This was corrected on the latest PS3 and Xbox 360 download patch.Using the console. Main article:On the PC, many non-player character, quest, and player-getting-stuck issues can be resolved through the use of console commands.Crashing, freezing and other hardware- or software-related issues. PC Whenever the player first loads the game(Normally from autosave) and tries to shoot, the game freezes. It does not matter which gun. Trying to load the game from a saved file occasionally works. It is possible this could be a hardware issue for certain Graphics Cards.
In this glitch/bug, ATI Radeon HD 5700. The easiest way to quickly get back to the game is to ctrl+alt+delete and stop the process (FO:NV) then log off and back on to the account. Stuttering, crashing, freezing, and slow-down issues are often hardware- and/or software-related. Please visit the for information regarding these issues. In particular, read through the stickied threads at the top of the forum pages. PC Alt-tabbing out of the game can cause problems of all sorts. When playing the game, for uncertain reasons, your entire field of vision can become permanently blurred, without having any head injuries at all.
The blurring is absolute and total, not fading in and out of focus in cycles like when you have a crippled head. There appears to be no fixing this bug, turning the Pip-Boy light on and off, sleeping, fast traveling, getting killed, and reloading the game and rebooting the system several times did not fix the problem.
Perhaps getting a crippled head may make a difference, but more likely the cycles of blurriness would not even be apparent as your vision is already at maximum opacity. (Getting a crippled head made no difference.verified on PS3.). Solution found: go to Guardian Peak. Just wander around for a minute, use your Pip-Boy a couple times; it should fix itself. It may be necessary to enter the cave in order to fix the problem. Xbox 360 A message that reads 'This save game relies on downloadable content that is no longer available.
Some objects may be no longer available. Continue loading?' Even if the player selects the 'Yes' option, the game will return to the main menu with a message reading 'The storage device you selected is no longer available. Load canceled.' This can happen even though no downloadable content has been downloaded and even if the Xbox has never been connected to Xbox LIVE.
This issue appears to be caused at multiple points in the game. It is fixed in the patch.
Xbox 360 Equipping cowboy hats via mapped key sometimes causes the console to freeze (as of latest patch). Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 Trying to holster weapons seems to make some characters stick to the ground, and be immobile. Zooming and turning still works, but the player cannot pull out their gun. Dropping the weapon frees the player for a few moments, as does dropping anything out of the inventory, but the player sticks quickly after. No known fixes, waiting and fast traveling doesn't work.
The player also cannot fire any weapon, and switching weapons causes the bug to occur. Resetting seems to fix this bug, and it only seems to happen after loading a save file, and then loading a second file. Erasing old saves and clearing the hard drive cache may fix the problem. PlayStation 3 collected do not sync to the Public Trophies list at. They can be seen through the Trophies list and compared via the Friends menu on the PlayStation. PlayStation 3 Excessive save games in memory may cause crashes. PlayStation 3 Xbox 360 Sometimes when accessing the world map in the Pip-Boy and leaving the console, the background will disappear.
Leaving and reentering the Pip-Boy fixes this. PC 'Extremely-low textures' / 'blurred textures' / 'unreadable Pip-boy buttons text' and some other descriptions could be the different names of the same driver-settings-related bug (tested for some ATI videocards, see the pictures for comparing). Pipboy 'low-textures' lookCaused by settings in 'Catalyst Control Center (CCC)', or the popular among ATI users tool 'Ray Adams ATI Tray Tools (ATT)'. With ATT you should go 'tray icon RMB-click' Direct 3D Settings and check your Texture Preference and MipMap Detail Level settings.
Fallout New Vegas Freezes Xbox 360
If it's like 'High Performance / Performance' you should try and change state of the both of pull-down menus to 'Quality' and accept changes. Check the CCC manual for the similar settings.Now your Pipboy (and the whole game) should start looking a way better, like this:. Skin shows up on the floorAlso note that performance boost caused by 'High Performance / Performance' setting for Fallout: New Vegas is rather negative.Patch 'Everything's Essential' bug. Patch introduced a bug - Any creature or non-player character could suddenly become. This bug is fixed by the next patch.Bugs fixed by patch Gameplay bugs. PlayStation 3 Sometimes in combat, an enemy will face the other way and fire at nothing, but the game will think the bullets are hitting you, when they are not, and you will lose health.
Xbox 360 PC Dead Money poison gas carries over on save files if you save within the gas, unknown if it can be cured. The only work around is a mod like which makes the gas do no damage and removes its visual effects.
Xbox 360 When performing various unarmed attacks, character's vocal expressions (yells, grunts) were that of a female despite the character being chosen as a male. Perks, non-player character interaction, and model were all that of a male as well. Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 PC If you talk to Fisto in the atomic wrangler most of the time if you say maybe later it will give you 10 caps each time. Xbox 360 Companions and other non-player character's may randomly flee, and possibly never return to their original location. PC Occasionally after changing ammunition types in one of your guns, you will be unable to manually swap ammunition types from within the Pip-Boy. It is still possible to change types via the hotkey, but when selecting a new ammunition type in the ammunition menu you will get an empty sounding click and the square indicating selection will refuse to move. Experienced with Lucky, the service rifle, and the varmint rifle.
Dropping the affected weapon and picking it back up appears to fix the issue. PC Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 Boxes or jars of ammunition primer or powder are useless and take up weight until dropped or stored in a container, and then picked up again, at which time the quantity of weightless ingredients is added to the inventory. This applies to most boxes and jars with a few exceptions, such as 'ammunition box, Micro-fusion Cells', which are correctly added as ammunition immediately. In hardcore mode, this 'bug' is actually a benefit; a box of 250 x 5.56mm surplus rounds weighs only 5 WP as opposed to 250 x 0.03 = 7.5 WP. Xbox 360 If an enemy attacks someone that is Neutral to the player and the enemy, the Neutral non-player character becomes hostile to the player.
Xbox 360 Sometimes after restarting your console (possibly after trying to fix another bug) the right analog stick controlling the direction of the player will not register. Thus you are stuck in a permanent state of facing one direction, unless you re-load a previous save. Don't rely on autosave.
(Needs confirmation). Xbox 360 Purchasing the Strength implant does not increase Strength when at level 7. PC Occasionally clothing and armor is not properly unequipped, resulting in being attacked for no reason by enemy factions. Example: If the NCR starts attacking for no reason, re-equip Legion armor and unequip it again. Make sure you receive the message that you are no longer dressed in Legion clothes. The above fix doesn't always work. In that case, you'll have to use the console command setreputation factionid x y.
PlayStation 3 Sometimes weapons do not properly hot key when multiple items are being assigned. PlayStation 3 Loading a save may not change your current reputation with a faction. Xbox 360 The 'Sneak' skill has no difference in effect from 50 - 100. Only factors are the amount of light, running (pre-perk), stepping on some obstacles, and line of sight. Xbox 360 When pickpocketing ammunition cases, the 'pick' is not counted, does not count towards the challenge and achievement, and your karma will not be adjusted. You can take it freely as if it wasn't owned. PC Xbox 360 Sometimes in V.A.T.S., if queuing up attacks with a firearm and attacking, the player will not do anything and can still be attacked.
Fallout New Vegas Freezes When Exiting
However, AP is not lost when going out of V.A.T.S. After a few seconds. Xbox 360 PC PlayStation 3 Various wasteland critters often fall through the terrain. Occurs most often over high, rocky, and uneven ground. Also occasionally occurs at Lake Mead with lakelurks.
This can result in creatures with half their bodies exposed and half their bodies submerged, making them destructible but unable to move and attack the player. Xbox 360 Occasionally when the player ventures in and out of the casinos (the Tops when the player confronts Benny in particular) will remove all non-holdout weapons from the player's inventory and not return them when the player leaves. Possible fix, you will have to break into the bank/cashier and steal your weapons back. Xbox 360 PlayStation 3 PC When a new game is started sometimes vendors and traders stock will never change and you won't be able to buy new things through the entire game. Possible fix: attempt to buy all the trader's items and come back a few hours or days later.
Xbox 360 Fix: Clear system cache by going to Storage Settings Memory Press Y while Hard Drive is highlighted Clear System Cache. After you've done this, all vendors will refresh their inventory.
Individual Vendor Workaround: Go up to the vendor that you want to refresh their stock, then create a save, exit to main menu, then continue from the save you just created. (Note: Only the vendors stock that you saved by will be replenished).
Xbox 360 Corpses will often become either immovable or unlootable, which also happened within Fallout 3. Occasionally, revisiting the body will result in it being able to be looted, but at other times it still will be set in and you won't be able to interact with it. Xbox 360 When looting an ash pile while sneaking, the 'body's' inventory showed as a pickpocket attempt. When it was attempted to be taken, the attempt failed and a raider came running up.
When he was killed, his body had the same inventory. The ash pile then showed as empty. The same thing happened with a goo pile. A NCR trooper 'caught' the attempt. Upon reloading the very recent save, the trooper's inventory was checked, then one item from the goo pile was successfully 'pick pocketed'. When the Trooper's inventory was rechecked, the item that had been taken from the goo pile was gone. The 'pocket' picked showed up on the tally of pockets picked as well.This glitch also occurs when revisiting an area where energy weapons were used previously.
Ash and Goo piles can be 'looted', stripping a dead non-player character several feet away. Xbox 360 If you take advantage of your companion's inventory to store weapons, and then enter an area where your weapons are confiscated, the weapons you stored in your companion's inventory may not be returned once you leave these areas and are gone forever.
Possible fix break into the bank/cashiers and steal your weapons back.There should be two lockers that has stuff. This will cause anyone there to turn hostile. Xbox 360 After completing the game along Mr. Houses questline, you can load a different game during the end cinematic, stopping the cinematic. But, after loading the game and playing for a few minutes, the end cinematic starts to play again, refuting any new progress. Xbox 360 Sometimes after auto-saving then turning off the console (sometimes without even turning off the console) the right stick can become stuck. It can still be used to look around on the map screen in your pip-boy.
Fix: Entering V.A.T.S. And performing cinematic kills (where by the game slows down to show your kill) has been known to un-stick your controller.
Xbox 360 If you kill everyone in a casino on the strip (such as the Gomorrah), the game may freeze when you walk into it again because there is no person to take your weapons. Xbox 360 Sometimes, when entering V.A.T.S., the game will freeze and make the Xbox guide unable to appear but will make sounds. PC During a cinematic kill while NOT in V.A.T.S., occasionally, the game will remain in such a slow-motion state following the kill.
This can continue for anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. PC Doc Mitchell will not fix radiation poisoning if you select any other fix after that choice, until you exit out of dialogue with him. PC Putting away a weapon after making an non-player character hostile will never cause them to cease being hostile (though, like FO3 a tooltip claims this can occur).