How To Make A 1v1 In Csgo

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Aim PillarsThe AimPillars map is quite unknown, yet one of my favourites. It’s a mystery as to how I stumbled across this map, but it’s now my go to when having a 1v1 match with friends in Counter Strike: Global Offensive.

How To Make A 1v1 In CsgoMake

CS:GO 1v1 Commands and Tutorial. Whether it’s to settle an argument, boost your ego by crushing your friend or to test each other’s aim, it’s always useful to know the commands you need to set up a 1v1 match in CS:GO. This guide takes you through setting up a 1v1 match step-by-step: starting with the config file and commands, then finding. News: Trailer for Counter-Strike Global Offensive Is A Fake Official Counter-Strike GO Trailer With Gameplay Footage How To Join Counter-Strike Global Offensive Beta 5 Latest Counter-Strike GO Screenshots Reveal Map DELAKE Need Some Buy Scripts For Counter-Strike Global Offensive? This weekend, we’re running a special event for our Premium users; 1v1 Aim for CS:GO! This is a beta test and has the potential to grow, however; we wanted to start this on a smaller scale to be able to test the game mode on FACEIT — hence the focus on premium/unlimited users.

Both sides of the map are identical, it’s a large arena with pillars spread out in a diagonal formation. This CSGO Map really shines when using the AWP.

How To Make A 1v1 In Csgo Server

MetroMetro is another symmetrical CSGO 1V1 map. However it’s a bit more spread out compared to the others as it has rooms to the sides and back. Saints row 4 how to install mods.

With an open space in the centre, it’s perfect for either playing long range with snipers or closer range with rifles and pistols. Metro is another one of the more popular maps. Aim 1vs1The Aim 1vs1 map consists of a large open space with many crates dotted around the map. It’s perfect for practising body shots & head shots against friends.

It’s a very popular map choice amongst the community, and also has ramps at the back to gain some height! There is also some large open space in the middle, no mans land.

AWP Lego 2The AWPLego2HD Map is one of the most popular lego themed maps, and is quite often seen in a lot of community servers for 1v1’s and Sniping matches. This map has an elevated platform, with a tower in the centre for using your AWP. There is also a ground level where players can get close range with rifles such as the AK & M4. AwpLego2 is symmetrical too, with both sides being the exact same, and a ramp to practice head-shot peeks. 1v1 AimMapFinally, 1v1 AimMap is the most subscribed 1v1 styled map currently available on Steam, sitting at just over 350,000 Subscribers. It’s a lot smaller than some of the other maps on this list, making it a better choice for shorter ranged weapons such as rifles, heavy weapons and pistols.

The map also features a lot of boxes and walls to provide cover and practice your peaking.