Conversion Gel Portal 2

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.Test Sphere 04So, now we are in another test sphere (1972 01) and this time we have GLaDOS on a potato with us. And in here is our first encounter withthe orange Propulsion Gel within the game and within this Portal 2 walkthrough. So let's testthis orange gel. Next to the vent for the orange gel is a platform a bit higher up with a push button.

Use portals to get up there. Now put the orangeportal on the ground right under the orange gel dispenser while you put the blue portal on the single wall that has the yellow black circle on it oppositthe ramp. Now it is time to press the button. The orange gel splatters all through the room and covers the way to the ramp. Because the orange Propulsion Gel makesyou faster you go to the wall and use the way over the orange gel as a warm up to make the jump over the abyss.Over here there is a wall with a yellow black circle on it that can hold a portal right around the left corner, so put the orange portal on it.

Cave Johnson's rant on 'life's lemons'. A Portal 2 quote poster. With combustible lemons. One of my favorite portal 2 quotes of all time. An inspirational message for all you citrus arsonists out there. View 'Cave Johnson 'Lemons' Speech Poster' and more funny posts on Dorkly Portal FTW woot:D yea Combustable lemons hehe the pyromaniac in me. Gels are testing elements in Portal 2. They are dispensed from droppers and cover any non-glass surface or object they splash on, changing its physical properties. Cleansing (water) streams behave the same way gel does, but clean gel off of surfaces and objects. Gel streams can be redirected with portals and Tractor Beams, and can pass through.

Now stepback a bit and look back to the push button and the gel dispenser. Put the blue portal on the ceiling next to it and jump back there through the orangeportal. Here you paste the blue portal on the ground under the orange gel dispenser and turn the orange gel on again.

The orange fluid covers the whole hallwayon the other side of the room. Jump through the blue portal back over there and use the momentum you get from the orange gel to jump over the ledge there.We are close to the vintage companion cube now. Just use a portal behind the cube and one portal on the wall opposite the cube and you can drag it out.Now use portals to move back to the huge room from the beginning step by step.

Conversion gel portal 2 level

Once you are in the huge room put the vintage companion cube onto the redswitch on the ground and you will see, the ramp moves up. With the help from the orange gel and a long enough start in you can now make the jump to theother side where there is the exit near. Stalker call of chernobyl monolith control center. But the exit is still closed. But on the right side of the exit door there is yet another concrete floor tile withthis yellow black circle on it. Put a portal on it and the other portal to the other wall with the yellow black circle on it at the end of the orangegel on the ground all across the room. Jump through the portal and slowly walk up the ramp.

Take care, so that you don't fall into the endless pit.Now run down, all over the orange gel and through the portal. With your momentum you will jump up to the push button next to the door. Press this buttonand the exit opens up.On the way to the next part of this test sphere you can sidestep a bit into a bureau and see another picture of Cave Johnson, and GLaDOS will evenmention that these people look familiar to her. So now get into the next part of the forth test sphere in the antique Aperture Science lab.And in this part of this Portal 2 guide we are in the second area of sphere 1972 now. So this is sphere 1972 02. Take a look at the tower that is standing openly around here without directaccess.

There is one wall on it that can hold a portal. So shoot the blue portal on this wall and the orange portal below the orange gel dispenser. Turnon the orange Propulsion Gel and an orange gel carpet should unfold from the edge to the back wall of the area. Now place the blue portal on the ceiling near the edgeand the orange portal under the blue gel. Turn the blue gel on too and you now should have a small blue gel stain at the end of the orange gel carpet.Now run over the orange gel and jump to the tower.

Walk around the tower and shoot the blue portal on the wall right in front of you. Shoot the orangeportal to the wall a bit above you and get up there. Now it is important, that the orange portal stays where it is, so walk around the tower, shoot the blueportal to one of the walls near the gel dispensers and then get back there again. This is the time to place the blue portal on the side of the tower visibleto you and run over the orange gel and jump right into the blue portal and right to the exit. Get in the elevator. Why does GLaDOS know Cave Johnson voice?We maybe find out later.Test Sphere 05The 1976 05 of the fifth test sphere after all greets you and you can just walk on by and towards the gel dispensers.

Put a portal under the orange geldispenser and the other portal on the normal wall across the gap under the slanted wall. The orange Propulsion Gel should cover the whole area in front of that wall.Now shoot one portal on the slanted wall above the normal wall and the other portal under the blue gel dispenser.

The blue gel now covers another slantedplatform. Get over to the floor covereed in orange gel. Lay one portal on the normal wall at the end and the other portal on the slanted wall above. Nowrun through the portal and you will jump to the slanted plattform coverd in blue gel which will bring you to the Vintage Companion Cube.Get the Cube and jump down from the crate plattform to the solid plattform below (don't jump into the water!) and use portals to get back to the geldispensers. Put the Vintage Companion Cube somewhere here for later and search for the plattform island with the big red switch on the ground on it.See the floor tile with the yellow black circle on it in front of the red switch.

This is where a portal goes. The other portal goes under the blue Repulsion Geland the blue gel will now cover the plattform above the portal. Now you can grab the cube and get over to the red switch and put the Vintage CompanionCube on the red switch on the floor. After this portal back to the gel dispensers.Take a look at the island with the red switch on it and look to the right of it. There are two small concrete walls and one has a ramp in front of it.Shoot a portal on the wall with the ramp in front and the other portal under the orange Propulsion Gel dispenser.

After the ramp is slimy enough get to the longhallway already covered with orange gel, put one portal on the wall at the end of the hallway and the other portal on the wall with the ramp in front.You can see this wall from the hallway, and need good aiming. Now run through the portal very fast and you will jump towards the exit in no time.Pump Station GammaYou can see 1978 and 1982 written on the walls.

Maybe 2011 is all upstairs, who knows. After all you should enter the door and get to the walkway rightabove you inside the building. After you get around the corner there is a wall that can hold a portal.

Up here you get out again and you are a bit closer toyour aim than before. Use portals to get to the place in front of where there is Pump Station Gamma written on the wall. Enter the open door and there youare inside the pump station gamma.Inside here you walk along the hallway to the left and turn on all the switches here. This turns on the blue, the orange and the grey Conversion Gel for the next chambers.But this also turns on some stompers. But when you use a portal on the wall at the end of the hallway and one here you are out of here in no time. Now you can seethe mess the grey gel made. But this is good, as the grey gel allows you to put portals on walls and ceilings (and grounds) that wouldn't hold a portal before.So you can beam up to the lonely platform in the middle of the room above the pumps and use the blue gel to jump over to the other side.

Walk through the blueenergy field and be quick when you run under the stompers over the orange gel and you will finally reach the exit to the pump station gamma. But what is going onoutside here?! You can't go on?! So put a portal on the slanted wall here, outside the pump station gamma and walk back.

You can see the wall with the yellowand black circle on it behind the stompers, so put another portal on this wall and run into it over the orange gel as fast as you can. This throws you over to thewalkway and you can enter the enrichment center. Get through here until you see the portrait of the old Cave Johnson and go through the door to the right of theportrait.

Here is a button you have to push to open the door to the elevator to the next test sphere.Test Sphere 06Walk past the numbers 1982 on the side of these fencing walls and have a look at the grey gel. So put a blue portal directly under the gel flow and an orangeportal somewhere besides where the gel hits the ground. This will cover more surface with grey Conversion Gel and you move the orange portal to the newly covered surfaceto cover even more surface with grey gel. Continue doing so until you finally cover some ground outside of the fenced in area. Then put the orange portal on thenewly covered ground out there and jump outside through the blue portal. Out here you have to direct the grey gel with the orange portal towards the two towersand especially between them and cover the walls of the towers that face each other. Once there is some grey gel on one wall put the orange portal there and cover thewall of the other tower, then put the orange portal there and continue until you reach the top.

Portal 2 Gels For Sale

Now it's time to cover the slanted platform next to the highertower with the grey gel. Once you did that portal up to the walkway around the higher tower. Up there put one portal on the slanted platform and the other portalthere where you will land when you jump down from the walkway.

Jump through the portals and you will land on the elevated building that will bring you to the exitwithout problems.The exit leads to an elevator shaft that claims to lead to the surface. So use portals until you reach the elevator cabin high up there. Jump on top of the cabinand shoot a portal on the floor of the cabin. Search around and shoot another portal on the ground of one of the edges around that is low enough. Jump through thelow portal and get thrown up to the next level. Here you have two sides that can hold a portal, put the portal on one of them and then jump through the portalon the floor in the elevator cabin.

While you are jumping up and down you will notice the slanted concrete wall up here that can hold a portal. Shoot the portalin the right color on it and you are at the exit to the elevator shaft.

But we are still far from the surface.Climbing up to the central pump stationAnd on we go upwards. Take a good look at all the long concrete pillars. Shoot a portal as high as possible on one of the pillars and the other portal down hereonto the pillar so you can get up there and finally stand on a steel beam. And there we go.

Look at the grey door on the wall. There is a slanted wall abovethe door where the next blue portal goes, and the orange portal goes to the ground all the way down there. Jump down and through the orange portal and you willland where the blue gel drips.


Put the orange portal right under the gel dispenser and the gel will fly all across the area till it hits another slanted plattform.So we put the orange portal back to the ground all the way down there, the blue portal still stays above the grey door and we jump through the orange portal again.We get thrown up one level and up here there is nothing. No more blue gel anyways.

So put a blue portal on the small concrete area on the floor above the slantedplatform with the blue gel and then jump down one level. Jump into the orange portal at the very bottom again and while you are thrown up by the blue portallook around for the next plattform to reach. Shoot the orange portal on the ground there and now you can walk over to the next area.So put the blue portal under the grey gel and the orange portal to the ceiling at the other end of the room between the pipes. This slimes on the whole wallbetween the two pipes and that is a good thing.

Now put the orange portal very low on the grey geled wall and the blue portal under the orange gel. After a momentof waiting for the (orange) red carpet to unfold you put the orange portal on the grey slope between the two pipes above the blue portal and the blue portal now movesup on the wall it was just on. To the highest point possible on that wall. Run over the orange gel towards the wall, the blue gel will make you jump and hopefullyyou hit the blue portal and jump onto the platform a bit higher in this room. The place you land is made from concrete, so put the blue portal on this spot andthe orange portal under the grey gel, which will cover the ceiling above this place in grey gel. After this you put the blue portal on the ceiling you just covered with greygel and the orange portal goes under the slowly dripping blue gel so that is covers your landing area.

Jump back down one level, put the blue portal on the slopebetween the pipes again and the orange portal on the wall between the pipes and now jump through the blue portal again, this time heading towards the highplatform in the huge room.Walk around the pillar and shoot the blue portal on the grey gel ground and the orange portal against the wall above all this. Jump into the blue portalon the ground and walk along the catwalk. Put the orange portal against the slanted piece of wall above your head and watch the grey gel cover everything in thevent. After this you can put the blue portal very high up on a ceiling and the orange portal to the wall down here and then jump through it. Walk up the slopeand shoot a portal through the grate to a wall that can carry a portal. Walk back a bit and find some grey gel on the slope.

Use the other portal on it to jumpthrough and finally enter the central pump station.central pump stationShoot a portal above one of the doors at the end of the metallic walkway high up in the sky and one portal against a wall down here and get up onto the walkway.Now take look around. You'll notice the control room that is glowing in a bright blue. You will notice it, as the rest of the pump station is all grey. Shoota portal to the small concrete part on the wall directly opposite of the control room (when facing it from the walkway it's the wall to the right) and oneportal to the ground, right where the walkway is open to jump out. So jump into the portal on the ground and reach the control room.

Guess what, play around withthe controls here and look a this.