How To Release Vassal Eu4

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I have been taking a few liberties with my EUIV blog writing and I have fallen two campaigns behind, so here is my Ottoman World Conquest that I completed in 1.22, I started it just before Third Rome came out and I finished it about a month and a half after, I went through a period of not playing as much EU4, and at the time, this was all I was playing on it. World conquests really do take a long time, but this means that I have gotten one rather difficult achievement, World Conqueror out of the way. Albeit I would have gotten it anyway when (if?!) I do Three Mountains in the future but that could be a few years away and though I consider myself skilled at EU4, making Ryukyu my first (and only, it will be my only other, although One Faith will come close) world conquest was not something I felt confident in, despite taking several notes from Arumba’s 1.19 run on doing it, although I have no clue how I will do it without shadow diplomats, I may have to go back to that patch. Another thing, though, I did make use of the copied save file exploit for this and the next campaign, but only used it and the more common ‘game “crashed” let’s use the backup’ exploit for total fuckups that could have ruined my run and extremely recent mistakes (and as I went along and became more convinced of the success of the campaign, I stopped making copies, or just forgot to) for mistakes like a war-losing battle that could have been avoided or starting a war I wasn’t ready to fight. The only reason I did this is due to the likelihood that this and the next campaign could fail, I didn’t do it for the third campaign, which covered a much easier achievement and went through a few natural setbacks that I let happen.For Ottomans, I had played them once before (and never will again), one of the first campaigns I detailed on here, but that run got ruined by a) my experience and b) patching from 1.18 to 1.19 and then loading the game, causing the then-new institutions to all start from zero and tech to get royally messed up. That game’s goal was to get the Ottoman specific achievement Definitely The Sultan Of Rum – own and core fully Rome and Moscow, which would be my mid-game goal. Though you get it automatically in an Ottoman WC, unless you end the game with a vassal controlling those cities, I wanted to get it out of the way so I wouldn’t need a reason to play Ottomans again, because they are laughably easy – says the elitist grand strategy player.

With EU4: Art of War it is possible to create client states – states, that function similarly to vassals, but with several advantages over the latter. Most importantly, client states have smaller coring cost and reduced unrest, making them slightly better at integrating territory in comparison to your usual vassal. To prevent this feature’s overuse, it is allowed to only have a maximum of 10 client states simultaneously.

The only reason I chose them for the WC, aside from annoying every EU4 fan who reads this, was that I had heard how boring it got in the end and I wanted to make it as stress-free and quick as possible, so the nation with the easiest reach to all the corners of the Earth seemed reasonable.I started by doing the traditional Ottoman start, cleaning up all their cores in Albania and Eastern Anatolia (which will be gone in 1.24 by the time you see this no doubt), then on to Byzantium via ‘city of the world’s desire’, but I was rushing right from the start. Though I knew how much the game sped up, I didn’t want to take any chances and as soon as my aggressive expansion wore down enough to stop coalitions, it was back to the fabricating, declaring war and the crushing of nearby nations. How to make a 1v1 room in csgo. I took Athens as my first vassal after annexing Byzantium, and I took Influence ideas first to deal well with all of the vassals I would be accumulating over this run. It’s one of my favourite and natural idea groups to gravitate to, so much so that I made a conscious decision not to take it in the next two campaigns for a bit of variety.Ottomans get several missions to take their historical territory, which really helped speed up the process of getting claims, although the first big one, the one taking Egypt, took a couple of wars to take from the Mamluks and I nearly lost the claims before annexing their core territory around the Nile. I pressed into Bosnia and Serbia, vassalising the latter to eat the former, and a bit of Hungary besides. Out in the East I did the same with Iraq, who had emerged naturally in the chaos that region tends to get thrown into, and later Armenia (controversy alert), Syria is often a better choice to allow you to move through that Mamluk mission easier but I had gone past those cores by the time I considered it time to release a vassal.Once the Crimean event chain that lets them become an Ottoman vassal fired, I had used up all my relationship slots, now it was time to expand whenever, however, I could.

Annexing Athens, Serbia, then Iraq, I pushed into the east and released Khorasan, a valuable vassal because of the number of unclaimed cores he always starts with, and Baluchistan as well. In Europe, to prevent a coalition forming, I went slow and slowly just ate my way around Hungary and Lithuania, although I managed to take Lucca in one war or other and had that as an Italian foothold for a long time before I conquered the rest of the peninsula. Once Hungary was down, I released and vassalised Nitra, a vassal that I just kept to its Slovakian borders for far longer than necessary, but I didn’t expand very much in that direction for a good long while after that.

Meanwhile, just a few provinces over, Crimea was taking far more than it could handle. It was a march (I believe the event gives it to you as one) which meant that I wouldn’t be able to freely annex it until I got Diplomatic ideas and that would be quite a way away. It got a little unruly as a result.It is worth saying that I had intended to go for Dar Al-Islam in this run, but I went the Humanist route early, as my second idea group, and did not realise that it required every one of your provinces to be Islam well as owning all of the cities vital to Islam. That will be done another time, the Morocco run for The Sudanese Expedition looks like a likely candidate.By this time I recognised that the biggest obstacle to my world conquest victory was either one of the big European powers like France, or, more likely, the huge and stable Ming in the east.

How To Release Vassal Eu4

I therefore pushed eastward as fast as I could, counting the number of years left for 100% wars, not really factoring in at this point administrative efficiency, just to be safe. Releasing Kokkand, a vassal I always like going for because of their lovely colour and flag, I snaked my way up through Mongolia and with a few detachments of my already huge army and a decent tech advantage, struck at the Ming and carved out a few portions of their empire, mainly a line that cut their country in half just a few provinces below Beijing, meaning I now had a presence on the Korea Sea.Over in Europe I force-vassalised Trier after a war and replaced Nitra for them as my western European vassal. About this point, I completed Diplomatic ideas and began to annex Crimea, necessary because both it, Kokkand and an India-fed Baluchistan were straining at the noose at this point. Meanwhile in Africa I was mostly just conquering land myself, sweeping aside those poor defenceless African nations with relative ease, the likes of Tunis through the last of my pre-claimed missions – as the Ottomans did in history, though I think I’d gone a little bit beyond that.(a shot of me as I was almost finished – note my colonial nations all starting with ‘O’ – they’re all anime or BJSC references)I completed the annexation of Crimea at about 1650, getting Definitely The Sultan Of Rum, and it was at this point that I began to start planning my final moves out. At this point, I’d already won, I knew, with the speeding up of the late game there was no way that an empire that stretched from Tunis to Nanjing and Beloozero to Malindi (with expansion into the New World via a few wars with colonial powers and a late adoption of Exploration Ideas to try and fill in as much of the map as possible) was going to fail with the biggest part of expansion ahead of it, but I wanted to get everything done as soon as possible. As such, it was a slow, painful process of planning the next war, to coincide with overextension finishing, take the next lot of land, give as much as I could to relevant vassals, slowly being replaced with more manageable client states, but eventually, it all came through and I had every province in the world owned, at around 1760, so there was no need for me to rush in the slightest.

Create Vassal Eu4

How To Release Vassal Eu4

I suppose that’s a little reassuring for my sanity if not for my coolness. So I then went and integrated all my vassals so I could have a one-tag. Not a true one-tag, I’m not that good obsessive, but all provinces were my colour or the colour of my colonial nations. I also got during this run Ruina Imperii, Over A Thousand, Black Jack, Fanatic Collectivist, World Discoverer, That’s A Silk Road, The Grand Armada, a good lot of generic achievements out of the way, before finishing it off with the prize I came here after, World Conqueror.

Read More., a new feature that provides continuous training for armies during peacetime if you don’t reduce military maintenance. that reflect how modern an army is, boosted by drilling, hiring generals, building military structures, and not using mercenaries. Higher professionalism gives bonuses to damage and movement speed, while lower professionalism makes mercenaries cheaper and more available.


Armies gain extra abilities as overall professionalism increases.