Not Another High School Show
The year was 2006, and five years after the release of the successful spoof film “ Not Another Teen Movie,” it was decided a TV spinoff of the film was a good idea. And so, Comedy Central ordered up a pilot for “ Not Another High School Show,” and the reason you don’t remember it is because the network declined to order a full season.
Now you can see why.On the occasion of ‘s birthday today, a clip is going around the web (via ) of a scene from the high school parody show in which she cameos. But more interesting is watching stretch the broad comedic muscles she would bring to “ Community” three years later. Brie does what she can with dead-on-arrival material. Meanwhile, another clip from the show featuring Jeffrey Christopher Todd, Anna Osceola, and John Keefe has been online for a while, and it isn’t so great either.
Not Another High School Show Cast
This is RUBBISH! This is hard, horrible and disgustingly dumb. One of the worst TV shows I think I've ever seen. It has no point and no direction, falling flat on its face every time the writer thinks he/she has made something funny; to put it bluntly, it's pure feces. Nothing in this is even giggle worthy let alone laugh out loud whilst wetting yourself rolling on the ground blah blah blah. Avoid like the plague.
And so, Comedy Central ordered up a pilot for “Not Another High School Show,” and the reason you don’t remember it is because the network declined to order a full season. Now you can see why.
If you touch it, it might infect you, making you dumb and sending your IQ plummeting below 1. Lucky for me, I found a cure; any other TV show. Even watching paint dry is funner than this, this, this I'll let you put any word there.
Not Another High School Show Part One
- She was the sort of student who preferred slinging answers on a high school quiz show to shaking pom poms in the football stands. Another debater. High school assemblies were sometimes called.
- NOT ANOTHER HIGH SCHOOL SHOW (Comedy Central) – Relative newcomers Rachel Specter (“Lonely Hearts”), Brendan Miller (“Accepted”), Anna Osceola, John Keefe, Jeffrey Christopher Todd (“Slutty Summer”) and Jocelin Donahue have all scored roles on the comedy pilot, a half-hour spoof of teen TV dramas.